Lucia Longhi
General Manager

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

The core activity of DSS INTERNATIONAL is contained in the name of the company. The abbreviation DSS stands for DneproSpetsStal, which is the Ukrainian producer of special steel for which we work as exclusive distributors for a major part of the world. The special steel we distribute is in bars (mainly round) and can be grouped in the following big families: Tools steel, Stainless steel, Engineering steel and PM steel (Powder Metallurgy steel). We export the 25% to Germany, 10% to Italy, 20% to other EU countries, 15% to North America and the balance to rest of the world.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

A big share of our steel goes to the automobile industry, so our sector partially fluctuates together with the world use of cars and the purchase of new models. Another factor influencing our position is the price of nickel, which is the predominant cost element in the production of stainless steel. Overall, we presently see a stable trend in our sector after a major reduction last year. Even if we are moderately touched by the “Trump tariffs” on some grades of special steel, our volumes to North America have not decreased much, because almost all our customers have accepted to absorb the increase of price.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

We do not expect major changes this year, but overall the results should improve thanks to new investments in production as well as the strengthening of the sales/marketing teams.

For your company, what are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?

Good infrastructures, reasonable level of bureaucracy, banks providing trade finance services, pleasant location to work in and where to invite our frequent international visitors.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

We are very pleased to be part of this association, which defends our industries’ interest. It is also a platform to meet with people working in similar or related sectors. Important is also LCTA’s contribution in the professional education.

Piermichele Bernardo
Managing Partner

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

We are a swiss insurance broker with full access to global expertise and capacity regarding trade risks, marine, energy and supply chain insurance; generally we can provide worldwide solutions.

Please take a look at the video of our 30 years, with 4 testimonials, or visit

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

The trend is in general very good and we obtained very interesting quotations and some important cover extensions; the result has been influenced from: cover required, market approached, risk management, claims experience and, as well the period of the year.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

Positive! The capacity of the market is good and the good relationship with the most important and flexible insurer and Underwriter help us to provide innovative and competitive solutions for our clients

For your company, what are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?

Lugano is still recognised as a competitive financial place and for us is a window to the European market; we are happy to work close to our clients and we believe that is still an added value in these business model transformation years.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

If LCTA wasn’t there, it would have to be invented! Great work!

Alberto Fogagnolo

1. Di che cosa si occupa la vostra azienda? Quali sono i vostri mercati principali?

Dal 1994 il gruppo DELTASTEEL opera su scala geografica globale nel trading di materiali ferrosi. Nei suoi 25 anni di attività, in proprio o rappresentando primari gruppi internazionali, ha intermediato materie prime, semiprodotti e prodotti finali dell’industria siderurgica, focalizzandosi nell’ultimo periodo sul reinserimento nel ciclo produttivo dell’acciaio di ghise cosiddette secondarie, agendo principalmente nel mercato dell’Europa dell’Ovest.

2. Dal vostro punto di vista, come valutate l’andamento del vostro settore?

Capacità industriale, produzione e consumo di acciaio sono costantemente in crescita ma globalizzazione, accesso al credito sempre più selettivo, totale trasparenza del mercato, misure protezionistiche e concentrazione del numero dei produttori e dei consumatori diventano fattori chiave che rendono sempre più complicato per i trader ritagliarsi un ruolo attivo nella catena produttiva e commerciale della siderurgia.

3. Come stimate le prospettive dei mercati relativi al vostro settore?

Le dinamiche settoriali descritte obbligano i trader ad assumere un ruolo prettamente finanziario o a rischiose prese di posizione commerciali. Esistono sempre di più “one man company” con limitato accesso al mercato ed i grandi gruppi internazionali, anche integrati a monte o a valle.

DELTASTEEL ha risposto alle nuove sfide rinunciando all’espansione a tutti i costi per privilegiare   rapporti di lunga durata con selezionati clienti e fornitori a cui garantire servizi che vengono riconosciuti e apprezzati come altamente professionali. Costante controllo della gestione e la dotazione di mezzi propri hanno consentito, pur mantenendo uno stretto rapporto con le istituzioni finanziarie, una discreta autonomia operativa adatta alle dimensioni.

4. Quali sono i benefici di lavorare a Lugano (Svizzera)?

La Svizzera è nota per l’ottima possibilità di fare impresa. DELTASTEEL è stata fondata a Lugano che ha sempre avuto un ruolo storico internazionalmente riconosciuto nel trading e nelle attività ad essa collegate. Nonostante questa centralità si sia ridimensionata, noi riteniamo che Città, Cantone e Confederazione  possano offrire ancora molto al nostro settore magari attraverso un piano creditizio specifico per le piccole/medie imprese e la finalizzazione della riforma fiscale.

5. La vostra opinione in una frase per descrivere l’attività della LCTA

LCTA deve essere amplificatore delle singole voci dei propri associati, delle loro realtà, delle loro istanze ed esigenze fungendo da “cinghia di trasmissione” con gli enti preposti al loro accoglimento.

Sempre gradite sono le occasioni di networking locale ed internazionale così come di aggiornamenti su problematiche e opportunità che riguardano le attività di trading.

Alessia Ponti
Key account manager credit insurance

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

We are marine insurance independent brokers specialized in international trading operations. Our focus is the World! The slogan «Serving International commodity trade» expresses the vision of FILHET-ALLARD MARITIME.
We provide our clients with an invaluable service to the international trade and shipping industry since 1895. The main goal of our highly trained, dedicated and experienced teams is to hedge our client’s risks inherent to their operations with first class underwriters. The risks we handle, include Marine Cargo, Storage, Charterer’s liability / FDD, Cargo owners legal liability, Political and war risks, Trade disruption, Credit risks, Contract frustration, Hull and Machinery, Ship owner’s liability, P&I, Claims recoveries, defence and so forth.

We differentiate through:
– A proper and performing dynamic client’s team always at your service,
– Extensive operational authorities of first class insurance markets,
– Our efficient organization in claims, underwriting and recoveries

Our head office is located in Bordeaux / France and we are present in Geneva as specialized branch. We also have a subsidiary in Ivory Coast and 3 rep offices in Mauritania Angola and Turkey We also have an important footprint in FSU countries as well as in Singapore and Dubai.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

Insurance of international trading operations (Marine Cargo, Charterer’s liability, Hull, Machinery and P&I, Credit risks…) was always a very challenging and extremely competitive activity. Today we are observing two trends: a concentration of the insurance industry (mergers and acquisitions) and important fluctuations of the commodities prices.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

Despite the challenges we mentioned before, we are confident in our strategy, consisting in increasing our presence near to our clients worldwide, diversifying our portfolio and offering a large panel of tailor made Insurance products.

For your company, what are the benefits of working in Switzerland?

We are working in Switzerland as specialized branch for more than 16 years. The biggest benefit is to be closer to
– the global trading operations of companies present in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Zug and, of course, Lugano
– the different Banks and Funds financing the trading operations
– the various inspection companies

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

LCTA is key to access the universe of international trading activity in Lugano.

Henry Allard
Filhet-Allard Maritime

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

We are marine insurance independent brokers specialized in international trading operations. Our focus is the World! The slogan «Serving International commodity trade» expresses the vision of FILHET-ALLARD MARITIME.
We provide our clients with an invaluable service to the international trade and shipping industry since 1895. The main goal of our highly trained, dedicated and experienced teams is to hedge our client’s risks inherent to their operations with first class underwriters. The risks we handle, include Marine Cargo, Storage, Charterer’s liability / FDD, Cargo owners legal liability, Political and war risks, Trade disruption, Credit risks, Contract frustration, Hull and Machinery, Ship owner’s liability, P&I, Claims recoveries, defence and so forth.

We differentiate through:
– A proper and performing dynamic client’s team always at your service,
– Extensive operational authorities of first class insurance markets,
– Our efficient organization in claims, underwriting and recoveries

Our head office is located in Bordeaux / France and we are present in Geneva as specialized branch. We also have a subsidiary in Ivory Coast and 3 rep offices in Mauritania Angola and Turkey We also have an important footprint in FSU countries as well as in Singapore and Dubai.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

Insurance of international trading operations (Marine Cargo, Charterer’s liability, Hull, Machinery and P&I, Credit risks…) was always a very challenging and extremely competitive activity. Today we are observing two trends: a concentration of the insurance industry (mergers and acquisitions) and important fluctuations of the commodities prices.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

Despite the challenges we mentioned before, we are confident in our strategy, consisting in increasing our presence near to our clients worldwide, diversifying our portfolio and offering a large panel of tailor made Insurance products.

For your company, what are the benefits of working in Switzerland?

We are working in Switzerland as specialized branch for more than 16 years. The biggest benefit is to be closer to
– the global trading operations of companies present in Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Zug and, of course, Lugano
– the different Banks and Funds financing the trading operations
– the various inspection companies

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

LCTA is key to access the universe of international trading activity in Lugano.

Titan Bulkers

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets? 

Titan Bulkers is a ship brokerage company headquartered in Lugano and active in the dry bulk business. The company is active in the worldwide market fixing vessels mainly from handy upto ultramax sizes with a particular focus on iron ore, coal, pig iron and scrap products. In order to assist the different traders’ needs, Titan Bulkers can also provide freight coverage for smaller and bigger sizes offering a tailormade approach to all customers.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?   

The shipping market is linked to several key factors as the commodity trading flow, global financing, ships’ order-book, politic choices and environmental episodes.. therefore it is not easy to answer. In the recent past years the dry bulk market has been extremely low with several and considerable up and down peaks due to financial crisis, a huge amount of new ships with a resulting available tonnage in excess of the commodity traded and a very limited amount of scrapped vessels. Luckily this negative trend is changed and the market is slightly recovering even though good levels are still far away from the owners’ expectations. I believe that in the near future the market will have a limited positive trend.

For your company, what are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?            

The fair taxation is of course one of the main points but most important is the possibility to establish good connections with all the trading and shipping operators located here in Lugano and the cities nearby. Two important hubs like Zurich and Milan give you the possibility to be easily connected with any place in the world.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity                      

LCTA is great for networking and helping people to strength the already established relationships or create new ones. LCTA also assist companies with all the formalities for new employees and organize training events/courses to have qualified people in different fields.

Di che cosa si occupa la vostra azienda? Quali sono i vostri mercati principali?

Il Gruppo Zarattini, fondato nel 1985, è un Gruppo Finanziario privato con sede a Lugano e attivo in Svizzera, Lussemburgo e Malta e offre un’ampia gamma di prodotti e servizi finanziari a investitori privati ​​e istituzionali.

I servizi principali offerti sono:

 Investment Management
L’esperienza decennale e la comprovata competenza del team dell’Asset Management di Zarattini & Co. Bank nella gestione dei fondi di investimento si è sempre fondata su una rigorosa disciplina, affidabilità e conoscenza delle diverse strategie di investimento, dalle più semplici alle più sofisticate. Le strategie hanno come obiettivo la protezione del capitale e la ricerca di opportunità di rendimento in tutti gli scenari di mercato, attraverso la gestione di prodotti con un approccio di rendimento assoluto e bassa volatilità.

• Private Banking
I servizi di Private Banking possono essere adattati alle esigenze specifiche di ogni cliente. Comprendono la gestione patrimoniale discrezionale, i mandati di consulenza e di esecuzione. Con particolare attenzione a KYC / AML, Zarattini Bank ha lavorato sodo per padroneggiare una vasta conoscenza e impostare procedure specifiche per l’onboarding dei clienti ICO.

• Fixed Income Desk
Zarattini & Co. Bank è security dealer autorizzato e un membro professionale di ICMA (International Capital Market Association). É un attore riconosciuto nel settore del Fixed Income in tutto il mondo. Il team del Fixed Income Desk negozia una vasta gamma di obbligazioni in diverse valute, tra cui plain vanilla, prodotti strutturati, emissioni societarie, finanziari, obbligazioni senior, obbligazioni subordinate, strumenti ad alto rendimento e titoli convertibili. Offre anche un servizio completo in nuove emissioni obbligazionarie.

• Trade Finance
Zarattini & Co. Bank, con i suoi servizi specializzati Trade Finance, vuole supportare i propri clienti nel finanziamento di transazioni commerciali relative al trading internazionale di materie prime e con particolare riferimento al commercio di metalli (ferrosi e non).
I nostri professionisti del team Trade Finance offrono consulenze e proposte altamente specializzate per soluzioni bancarie su misura per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti e delle società internazionali di trading di materie prime con sede in Svizzera.
Clienti e aziende trovano così un partner finanziario in grado di offrire servizi di alto standard qualitativo.

Dal vostro punto di vista, come valutate l’andamento del vostro settore?

Vista l’importanza della piazza Luganese e del nostro background professionale, nel nostro piccolo ci siamo focalizzati sul mercato siderurgico. La siderurgia europea e italiana durante il 2018 ha avuto un trend diremo positivo, nonostante le decisioni del presidente a stelle e strisce e di conseguenza le repliche da parte della Cina. La domanda ha avuto una crescita durante il 2018 sia in Europa che in Italia, dopo gli aumenti avuti già nel 2016 e nel 2017. Le più importanti istituzioni economiche mondiali prospettavano aumenti più importanti, però la politica dei dazi ha rallentato l’aumento del Pil, rischiando di danneggiare le buone performance all’export soprattutto della Germania con riflessi anche sul mercato italiano.

La World Steel Association suddivide il globo in nove macro-aree e ben in otto di queste aree, durante la prima parte dell’anno, vi è stato un aumento dell’attività siderurgica. L’area di maggior crescita è stata quella del Medio Oriente con un + 16,8% e 2,982 milioni di tonnellate prodotte, che precede l’Africa con un + 14,3% a 1,200 milioni di tonnellate, poi l’Oceania a +12,3% a 577 mila tonnellate, il Sud America a +7,7% a 3,887 milioni di tonnellate, l’Asia a + 6,3% a 108,984 milioni di tonnellate, l’Unione Europea a +3,9% a 14,532 milioni di tonnellate, la CSI a +3,5% a 8,720 milioni di tonnellate ed il Nord America a +2,7% a 10,130 milioni di tonnellate (dati WSA).

Come stimate le prospettive dei mercati relativi al vostro settore?

Il Trade Finance in Ticino, in particolar modo a Lugano, ha un’importanza notevole, tenendo presente il numero di società di trading esistenti. La capostipite, la Duferco SA, ha dato una spinta al settore in modo continuo e positivo, calcolando inoltre il numero di spin-off che da essa sono nati. Negli ultimi anni si sono insediate a Lugano società provenienti da tutta Europa, Italia, Russia, Balcani, Kazakistan e via discorrendo, ed ovviamente il gettito fiscale ha una sua rilevanza. Le attività spaziano dall’acciaio, al gas, al petrolio. La Confederazione Elvetica, in quanto centro mondiale del commodity trade finance, ha attirato una miriade di società attive nel trading di materie prime grazie alle competenze, alla professionalità e all’elevato livello di esperienza ed abilità nel settore dei servizi, come le banche, le assicurazioni attive nell’assicurazione creditizia e le società di shipping.

Quali sono i benefici di lavorare a Lugano (Svizzera)?

Come anticipato prima, Lugano è una delle piazze principali in Europa per il trading dei prodotti siderurgici. Il fatto che una piccola banca come BZZ ha colto la necessità evidente manifestata dagli operatori in questo settore, non può che renderle onore. Quindi un grazie agli azionisti ed alla Direzione Generale che hanno creduto fortemente in questo importante settore dell’economia Svizzera e della piazza di Lugano.

La vostra opinione in una frase per descrivere l’attività della LCTA

Da alcuni anni, la più parte delle società di trading in Svizzera si sono raggruppate in tre associazioni che rappresentano il settore in ciascuna delle principali città elvetiche, ossia Ginevra GTSA, Zugo ZCA e Lugano LCTA dal 2010. Queste associazioni private hanno iniziato un dialogo propositivo e costruttivo vis-à-vis delle autorità federali e cantonali per avere ulteriori benefici per una maggiore e trasparente comprensione di questo settore e ribadire il ruolo importante che rappresenta nell’economia globale nazionale. Non possiamo che fare un plauso ai fautori di tale iniziativa soprattutto nella nostra piccola e bella Lugano e quindi alla LCTA, LCTA che rafforza il settore nell’area italo-svizzera del centro-sud dell’Europa, si occupa di formazione mirata per le aziende del settore e funge da trait d’union con le autorità per migliorare le condizioni quadro della piazza ticinese.

Nova Marine Carriers

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

Nova Marine Carriers is a ship-owner, and a freight trading company aimed at providing competitive and reliable transportation services to its clients base. Its roots can be traced back to1981. With its head office in Lugano, Nova Marine Carriers has satellite offices in Bogotá, Dubai, Istanbul, London, Madrid, Rotterdam, Singapore, Sofia, and Toronto; one in Miami will be opened in the near future. The fleet of 100 vessels, between owned and time charter, has a total carrying capacity of approximately 1’500’000 dwt, including conventional bulk carriers in the range from 5000 to 57000 dwt. On top of those, the company also has Belt Self Unloaders as well as one of the largest fleets of Pneumatic Cement Carriers in the world.

To answer your question, I would say that Nova Marine Carriers is an international company with a local focus. That’s the reason of the various offices around the world. The idea is that the close vicinity to our client base, allows us to service their needs better, and helps the consolidation of the relationship, which we like to call partnership, as we look upon our clients as our main asset.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector? How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

In general, the shipping markets are all linked to the world economy trends. More in particular the “Bulk Shipping” market is dependent on the demand side from the consumption of raw materials, iron ore, coal, and the likes, which in turn means energy consumption and steel consumption, i.e. construction. The number of ships available in the world fleet influences the supply side obviously. After a long period of very low market level due, on the one side, to a depressed world economy, and on the other side, to a huge level of oversupply fuelled in the boom years by crazy ordering of new buildings, we are starting to experience slightly stronger fundamentals. The older ships did not survive the crisis and were scrapped, the ordering of new buildings practically came to a standstill and the world economy is showing shy sign of recovery. Based on the above, I would say that I am cautiously optimistic for the near future.

What are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?

First of all, favourable location well connected to the rest of Europe, and a sizable trading hub. In the second place, multicultural environment that allows for a company like ours to attract the right calibre of professionals from around the world. Finally, yet importantly, lack of red tape both at a personal (once the B permit is in place) and at corporate level, which helps streamlining operations and makes it easier for the companies to take advantage of the opportunities that from time to time arise.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

LCTA is a precious instrument to convey the needs of the shipping and trading community to those governing the country, as well as being a great opportunity for teaming up with people from our same industry and create synergies that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

Coeclerici Commodities SA

What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

Coeclerici Commodities SA is a Swiss company present in all of the five continents, with its head office in Lugano.

The Company has been sourcing, marketing, and transporting raw materials (primarily coal) from mines to final end users, serving the power, cement, and steel industries, domestically and internationally, for over a century.

Since 2008, Coeclerici mines premium steam coal and PCI in Kemerovo Region (Russia). In 2016 1.4 million tons were mined, out of which the majority is premium PCI quality. Reserves amount to more than 70 million tons for more than 50 years of life.

As far as our trading activity is concerned, we transported about 9 million tons in 2016 for a total turnover of over 600 million USD.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

In the OECD countries , the use of coal has peaked in the last years. For this reason, a future growth is mainly expected in the non OECD countries, such as India, Southeast Asia, and China.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

Since we have a very consolidated presence in Europe, we have made significant efforts in the last years, in order to develop our presence in Asia as well. We acquired a company in Asia in 2007 and since then, we have been greatly developing the sales of our coal mine over there (principally in Japan and Korea).

Luckily our mine is equidistant from Baltic ports, serving European countries, and Far East ports serving countries like Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

For your trading company, what are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?

For Coeclerici it was a big change, albeit a positive one from many points of view. In Lugano we have more chances to meet people who work in our same industry, which leads to a better understanding of all the parties involved in our job (institutions, banks, etc.). We really appreciate this well organized country.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity 

LCTA played an important role in gathering people from the industry environment.

If you allow me a little joke… I would compare LCTA’s activity to a good mother: always present and supporting.


What is the core activity of your company? Does your company focus on particular geographic markets?

Siderfer is a company taking care of steel and raw materials’ trading, such as coal and iron ore. Our reference markets to buy goods are those where we can find products at the most competitive prices, which are principally China (although at the moment it is getting harder because of all the duties), India, Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey. Whereas, as far as our selling market is concerned, our main one is Europe, where 80% of the business is concentrated in Italy.

In your view, what is the actual trend of your sector?

It is always hard, at least for our reality. Business is becoming a prerogative of the biggest trading companies, which have access to lower financial and logistic costs thanks to their big amount of work. Thanks to such a huge amount, they can accept a lower profit on what they sell. For us, on the contrary, it’s harder. Since our finance and field of activity are limited, and our cost are standard (free of privileges), our work got particularly arduous. In addition to this, we also have more transparency, which means that all our clients are aware of the products’ cost and availability on the market. Thus, it gets more complicated to find a way of making profits without taking to many risks in a market like this, risks that a company with the dimension of our has to avoid.

How do you judge the perspectives of your activity’s market?

It is a very uncertain perspective. In Europe it is getting darker: purchase sources are becoming less and less, due to this new protectionism that has been introduced in the United States. There is not much space to play, and if there is some, the competition there has gotten ruthless. For this reason, our company is turning into a service trading, which is completely clear in the relationship between the customer and the supplier, as both of them know exactly the purchase and the sale prices. As far as we are concerned, we are available for our clients to take care of the order, financially, logistically, and during the contractual phase. We offer a complete service, as if we were professionals, avoiding speculations and arbitration on the market’s prices.

What are the benefits of working in Lugano (Switzerland)?

I would dare to say every possible one. The debates about the fiscal reform, there have been lately, have really surprised me; I wouldn’t be so worried about losing companies that are already established here. My concern is that some of those companies could vanish due to the costs and the high value of the franc. Anyway I don’t see how they could possibly move away, because the benefits of being in Lugano, and in Switzerland in general, are much stronger than the economic and financial measurements.  The job’s flexibility, the rational tax system, the friendly institutions, and the fact that there is not too much bureaucracy (so that the entrepreneur can mainly focus on his job, rather than on fulfilments), are just some of the benefits aforementioned. In my opinion, all the advantages of having a trading activity in Switzerland and in Lugano are incomparable to every possible downfall. I’m happy to be here, and I guess that our company will never go away.

Your opinion in one sentence to describe LCTA’s activity

I have been a member of LCTA for one year only, and I am absolutely honoured and grateful to be part of it. From my point of view, LCTA is doing a great job in two aspects in particular. The first one is the organisation of many events, which give the possibility to companies such as ours to network. For a company of our same dimension it is very important, since communication hasn’t always been good for us. In this day and age, indeed, we try to communicate and help each other. LCTA is turning into friendships all those relationships that could be competitive. The second one is the fact that LCTA is trying to bring new companies in Ticino, which is something important and necessary for the canton. I hope Marco Passalia’s effort is showing good results, because he definitely deserves it.