The LCTA Secretariat is closed from Thursday, August 1 to Friday, August 16 for summer holidays.

We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to being in touch with our stakeholders again from Monday, August 19.

ENGLISH Cambio il contenuto Come PRL Muralto il nostro Municipale Dao Nguyen Quang ha lavorato nei scorsi 3 anni per la proposta alternativa chiamata variante 1A che permetteva di salvare Viale Cattori.
A nostro stupore e profonda delusione i partiti Ordine Progresso e Muralto democratica invece hanno affossato questa variante.


Si trattava di una proposta che si integrava perfettamente nel progetto PALoc e dunque una soluzione alternativa concreta per Viale Cattori.

Come PLR sosteniamo fermamente questa variante che non implica stravolgimenti al progetto del PALoc che può essere realizzata anche nei tempi desiderati dal Cantone. Una opportunità concreta.

Sosteniamo fermamente la petizione e invitiamo tutti i cittadini Muraltesi e amici dei comuni limitrofi e interessati al PALoc a firmare questa importante iniziativa di petizione.

Come PLR Muralto abbiamo dimostrato che una variante c’è e il viale Cattori può essere salvato e deve essere salvato!

PS: se avete bisogno di cartacei per la raccolta firme scriveteci pure in pvt

The Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA) is pleased to offer a scholarship opportunity for the next CAS Commodity Professional (start: May 6, 2021).

Study content

Commodity trading and related services have grown significant in the Swiss economy, and they are expanding even further. These companies are in search of talents.

In cooperation with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the Lugano Commodity Trading Association (LCTA) and the Zug Commodity Association (ZCA) offer a certificate of advanced studies CAS for commodity professionals. The certificate programme will provide attendants with a thorough understanding of the commodity industry and its characteristics. The course work will provide students from the commodity sector with detailed skills, students from commodity service providers the ability to better understand their clients, and give all graduates tools to enhance their careers. The CAS Commodity Professional combines theoretical know-how with hands-on learning experience provided by accomplished guest speakers. This programme prepares the participants to take on management or specialist functions within the commodity industry.

  • Basics of Commodity & Geopolitical Dynamics
  • Commodities within the value chain
  • Shipping and Transport
  • Trade Finance
  • Basics of Risk Management
  • Legal Aspects and Compliance

Scholarship amount: CHF 7,900 (CAS tuition fee)

Application requirements:

To apply to the LCTA scholarship, applicants must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Employee of a company, which is member of the LCTA
  2. Tertiary education (as minimum level)
  3. Good marks in the previous educations
  4. Multi language. In particular, good knowledge of the English language (fully taught in English)
  5. International skills
  6. Letter of reference from the employer or from a key-person in the commodity trading sector

The scholarship is granted if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The student is required to have an 80% attendance at the lessons
  • The student has to pass all the exams
  • The student has to carry out a research on a topic related to the Lugano commodity trading hub (defined by the board of the LCTA)