September 21, 2022
Energy Trading Day
Enlit World, Content Partner LCTA-Lugano Commodity Trading Association
September 21, 2022, from 9.30 to 17.30
Venue: at Renaissance Zürich Tower Hotel, Zürich

09:30 Welcome
Florence Schurch, Secretary-General, STSA Swiss Trading and Shipping
09:45 Challenges for the European Energy trading business
Mark Copley, CEO, EFET
Navin Parasram, Head Trading and Member of the Executive Board, Alpiq
Domenico De Luca, Head Business Area Trading & Sales and Member of the Executive Board Axpo Holding AG.
Christian Baer, Secretary-General, EUROPEX
10:45 Coffee Break
11:30 Analysing the Power & Carbon Market Price Drivers – What is the outlook?
Martijn van Gemert, Director Market Insights, Vattenfall
Daniel Waniek, Lead Market Analyst, Uniper
11:50 Gas Market Outlook
Gergely Molnar, Gas Analyst, IEA
12:10 Technical analysis for power and gas prices
David Linton, CEO, Updata
12:30 Lunch
14:00 LNG supply outlook and risks for Europe the next 12 months
Kjell Eikland, founder, Eikland Energy AS
14:15 European natural gas market trends
Market volatility, future scenarios, security of supply, impact of EU gas decarbonisation and hydrogen legislative package under Fitfor55
Doug Wood, Board Member, EFET
Gunnar Steck, Executive Advisor Wholesale Markets, Eurogas
Manfred Cadez, Market Advisor, ENTSOG
Joachim Rahls, Regulatory Affairs Team Lead NWE gases, Shell
15:15 Coffee Break
16:00 Modelling methods for extreme market circumstances
A quick taste of how the abundance of market data can be used to find constants in market behaviour, and how new modelling methods can help to understand the changing fundamentals.
Jean-Paul Harreman, Director, EnAppSys
16:20 Trends in RES-E
Trends and opportunities for the PPA market
Impact on current price levels and market volatility on RES investments
Maria Popova, Director Market Integrity and Renewable Electricity, EFET
Stefan Ulreich, Professor for Energy Markets, Biberach University of Applied Sciences
Riccardo Rossi, Head of Southern and Central Europe Origination, Centrica Energy Trading
Joop Hazenberg, Policy & Impact Director, RE-Source
Dominik McInnis, Managing Director, Wind Energy Trading WET AG
Pietro Rabassi, Executive Vice President, Europe, Nord Pool.
17:30 End of session & Networking drinks
On 21 September, Enlit goes to Zürich with the Energy Trading Day, an invite only-conference where we will welcome around 100 energy traders in Zürich for a full day of conference sessions with expert speakers discussing how the European energy market design can cope with extreme market volatility, analysing the current energy price drivers, and presenting trends in RES-E, power and natural gas markets
Energy Trading Day